Home is where the Heart is
Where we grumble the most
And are treated the best
Well someone said that
But surely home is all of these and much much more
Why it’s where our hearth and slippers dwell
Our dogs and cats and memories be
It’s where we feel safe, secure and loved
At least it’s where we should, feel all those things
But most of all it’s where we wake with vision as the rising sun
To what the new day has to offer
Where we eat drink make merry with friends, acquaintances old and new
And maybe yet to be
It’s where we unburden our darkest secrets of the soul
We make love with fervent passion
We laugh we cry so deep and intense the two become as one in our midst
But most of all it’s where we lay our weary heads to rest at the end of the day
We sigh we unwind we breathe deeply reflecting on what the day had to offer
And we unburden the turmoil, or we give thanks for the inspiration
As the sun sets over our wonderful domain
And we drift off into the slumbers of another blissful night
Knowing that all is well within our home and our being
We give thanks to God the Universe to the force that gives us breath to love
That all is well and at peace